What is Video Metrology and How Does it Work?

In the realm of precision measurement, Video Metrology, commonly abbreviated as VMS (Video Measuring System), stands out as an innovative technology. Manufactured by Dongguan Handing Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. in China, VMS represents a breakthrough in non-contact measurement through optical imaging.

Key Components and Working Mechanism:

1. Optical Imaging System:
At its core, Video Metrology relies on a sophisticated optical imaging system. High-resolution cameras capture detailed images of the object under scrutiny, ensuring clarity and precision in the measurement process.

2. Image Processing Software:
The system employs advanced image processing software to analyze captured images. These software applications utilize complex algorithms to extract precise measurements, dimensions, and geometric features of the object being examined.

3. Non-Contact Measurement:
VMS distinguishes itself by adopting a non-contact approach to measurement. Unlike traditional methods that require physical contact with the object, VMS ensures accuracy without compromising the integrity of delicate or sensitive materials.

4. Automated Measurement:
Equipped with automated features, VMS facilitates rapid and consistent measurements. Automation not only minimizes human error but also accelerates the overall inspection process, making it particularly suitable for high-throughput manufacturing environments.

5. 3D Measurement Capabilities:
VMS is not limited to 2D measurements; it excels in providing accurate 3D measurements. By capturing images from multiple angles, the system reconstructs a three-dimensional representation of the object, enabling comprehensive analysis.


1. Manufacturing Quality Control:
VMS finds widespread use in manufacturing settings to ensure precision and quality control of components. It enables manufacturers to verify dimensional accuracy, detect defects, and maintain high production standards.

2. Reverse Engineering:
VMS plays a pivotal role in reverse engineering processes by accurately capturing and analyzing the geometry of existing objects. Industries such as aerospace and automotive benefit significantly from this capability.

3. Research and Development:
Researchers and engineers leverage Video Metrology for prototyping, product development, and validating design specifications. Its versatility makes it an indispensable tool for fostering innovation and technological advancement.


Video Metrology, represented by VMS and championed by Dongguan Handing Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. as a leading Chinese manufacturer, is at the forefront of modern measurement technology. Offering a non-contact, high-precision solution for diverse applications, VMS contributes to the global landscape of precision measurement, shaping the future of industries and innovation.

Post time: Jan-03-2024